We gain trust and reliability among reputable shipowners and operators. The jobs in our system cover all positions, from the top to the bottom, in every department, and in all types of ships. Our crew database is well maintained and updated in order to promptly supply candidates.
The shipowner or operator confirms the demand for crew or any other positions. The details of the qualification requirements are submitted to be announced or posted in our system, allowing candidates to view and apply.
Each candidate is thoroughly screened to match the qualifications. All of their certificates are checked to see if they are due for expiration. Then a list of qualified candidates is built and sent to the shipowner or operator for employment. All the candidates on the list will be notified of the results.
All documents and certifications are verified for compliance. An employment contract is prepared for the crew to view and sign. Necessary information on the work and conditions, including the contact details of the ship’s agent in case of emergency, is given. Everything will be put together for the crew to carry on board.
We arrange a training course upon request for the selected crew to sharpen their skills and expand their knowledge. We also retrain and recertify the crew. Our instructors have a strong academic background and long practical experience.
All the details of the selected crew will be imported into our database. This will be sourced for review or in case of any problem. The database is a primary source for candidates in the case of new jobs requested from shipowners or operators.
Newly applied individuals are also kept in this database. All crew members can be guaranteed a higher possibility of getting employed. Crew Change Arrangement The crew will be informed of the date of departure and the details of the shipment.
Our team will prepare the necessary documents and make all arrangements with the transportation firm. Everything will be completed on time.